Fostering During Pandemic Causes A Surge In Love Hormones

With all of the negative news going on right now, it’s uplifting to hear something GOOD coming from all of this madness.  As you may know, since people are stuck at home, the fostering rates have increased tremendously- which means less pups in shelters and more pups finding love.  But, plot twist, people are finding that the increase in fostering animals has equally increased the happiness and mental health of the humans who take them in. 

Kristyn Martin from Yahoo News met with Dr. Aubrey Fine, a licensed psychologist and professor to learn more about this beautiful connection with long-lasting positive benefits. 

Photos courtesy of @fosterdogs

“Sometimes we can sit next to an animal and solace and gain a tremendous amount of internal comfort,” he says.  

 ...even talking to animals during the pandemic can help. “We perhaps know that they don't know all the words we're saying, but sometimes just being next to someone that lets you know that you're important allows you to feel that sense of security, that things are going to be okay,” he says. 

 ...fostering an animal might just help the foster family as much as it does the animal. “Sometimes knowing that you're helping the animal, you end up indirectly finding out that although you're thinking you're doing the most help, in many ways, the animal is helping us celebrate our lives in more valuable ways.” 

Get ready to be filled with love when you read the full article here.