Posts tagged essential oils and dogs
Top 10 Essential Oils for Dogs

Y’all know that I’m crazy obsessed with natural solutions for everything in my life, especially now that we have a baby on the way! (7 more weeks, eeeek!) Well, I wanted to share the wealth and show you what the Basic 10 can do for your fur babies! These oils aid in the following health concerns:

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How Our Emotions Affect Our Dogs

We’ve all experienced it; someone’s negative vibes rubbing off on us. You know, when they’re having a crazy bad day and it almost puts you in just as bad of a mood? Yeahhh, well our dogs have that same ability and can sense our emotional state, whether we’re excited, depressed, anxious, stressed, whatever! Our vibe rubs off on them too because they are very in tune with emotions.

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All-Natural Tummy Ache Solution

When the pups have an upset tummy, we use DoTERRA Essential Oils to help ease their pain. It works WONDERS for these little counter surfers. I chose DoTERRA oils because I’ve done extensive research and used my pregnancy nose to test them out (haha) and these, in my opinion, are the most pure for our pups.

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