5 Practical Ways to Protect Your Pets From Fleas and Ticks

While owning a dog can be a wonderful experience, a lot of people are put off by the idea because they don’t want to deal with some of the issues that come with dog ownership. Eventually saying goodbye to your pup is one such reason, but there’s also another very common reason why people are worried about having dogs around the house; fleas and ticks. (YUCK!) Since dogs looove to explore and roam around, it’s very common for them to pick up different kinds of parasites that could end up affecting you, your children, and anyone who comes to visit your home!

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to protect your pets from issues like fleas and ticks.

1. Ensure both your yard and your home are clean

Pet hygiene is generally reflected in your hygiene. Make sure your home and your yard are clean so that there’s less chance that your dog will contract fleas or ticks. A well maintained yard is far less likely to carry the bad guys, making it safer for you and all of your family members to be outside! We absolutely LOVE Cedarcide to spray our yards with natural products that are safe for us and our families.

2. Groom your dog on a regular basis

Regular grooming is a must. It’s a great way to spend time with your dog but also allows you to keep an eye open for parasites that might be hiding under your dog’s coat of hair. We highly recommend HandsOn Gloves!

3. Use the right products on the right pets

You’d be surprised at how many people assume that pet products are universal. Some people might buy cat products and use them on their dog or vice versa, but this can actually be dangerous in some cases. For instance, some flea and tick preventative products can be toxic to certain animals. We recommend that you always do research before investing in a product, such as checking out this website for different types of products that can protect your canine friend from parasites. We wouldn’t suggest using home remedies unless backed by a holistic veterinarian.

4. Don’t use old products

This sounds like an obvious tip, but don’t use outdated or old products!! They’ll generally lose effectiveness over time and it can be a waste of your precious time, meaning the ticks and fleas will continue to spread! Always check the best by or use by date on your products.

5. Get regular checkups with your veterinarian

Take your dog to the vet on a regular basis so they can examine him/her for any signs of flea and ticks or underlying health issues. Not only does the checkup benefit your dog, but you’ll also learn lots of valuable information and can ask any questions that have come up since your last visit.

6. Don’t forget that fleas and ticks can happen at any time

Make sure you give your dog attention all-year-round so that you can examine them for any signs of fleas, ticks or even illness. They’re not seasonal like some people seem to think, so always be vigilant about keeping your pup healthy!

We would highly recommend that you invest in different types of products to help maintain your pups and their health. If you’re in need of more information for a specific breed or type of pet, we’d suggest speaking to your local veterinarian and having your dog examined for any underlying issues! Stay safe out there, folks!