Mr. Dog New York - Every Dog Mom's Newest Obsession

Mr. Dog New York has phenomenal products that are beautifully designed for dogs and people. There’s no question why this company is being featured on Gal’s Best Friend as one of our favorite companies.

My adoration with Mr. Dog started on Instagram. I double tapped almost all of their pictures (#love) because their cute pups and beautiful products. That love quickly turned into a full blown obsession as I stalked their website often, trying to choose what products I wanted in my home. (Everything, duh.)

Can you blame me?! The products are perfection!!! #flawless

I chose a yellow all-purpose bowl because I knew that we could use it for multiple purposes (hence the word ALL-purpose) and it’d go perfect with our home decor! You can use these bowls for their intended purpose of feeding your pup or you can get fancy for your guests and add floating flowers or set out candy on the coffee table! I love beautiful, multipurpose items, especially when they benefit me and my pups!

Mr. Dog’s signature bowl shape is ergonomically designed to allow our dogs to keep more in their mouths – and leave less on our lovingly maintained floors. The smooth, cornerless, nookless, ridgeless interior eliminates the never-ending muzzle struggle to reach every last, delectable bit. IT’S AWESOME! Not an ounce of food is left over for me to clean out of the bowl. I can’t stand scrubbing off dried dog food the next morning. Oh, and because it’s non-toxic and water-tight, everybody stays happy and healthy. #winwin'

Mr. Dog has simple goals that we can all appreciate:

– Work with the best possible materials to build beautiful and durable products.

– Build whimsical products that function better than any other product like it.

– Make timeless products that compliment your home as if it were one of your most beloved home furnishings.

And I’d say they’ve done just that! Mr. Dog makes it impossible to see a difference between dog products and people products.

Their puppy ambassadors lick, scratch, chew, bite, throw, rub, sniff, and slobber test each and every prototype. Through their interaction with said prototypes, Mr. Dog understands what works and what doesn’t work. This ensures that they offer only the best and highest quality products for you and your pup.

By supporting Mr. Dog New York, you’re supporting the United States, because they’ve made a commitment to partner with companies that only manufacture products made in the USA.

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Buy the fabulous products on Mr. Dog’s Website