A Year In The Lens of Puparazzi

Living in New York City there is a photo-op on every corner, honestly, it is one of the best parts of living here and being involved in the blogger and include world… you always have a backdrop! 

Will Ferman is the eye behind Puparazz, you know that guy you see at every dog event in the city snapping away photos! Yup, that’s the one. Not only is Will know by everyone in the pet world here in New York, everyone in the pet world loves him! Will is amazing behind the lens and is so great with all the dogs making every shoot fun for everyone! We partnered with Will to a Year In the Lens series, where we shot every season of 2019! That’s right, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter!

We also got to sit down and ask will some questions on how it all got started, see his answers below! Make sure to follow Will on Instagram to keep up with all his adventures! 

How did you get started:

I have always loved dogs. I grew up having Pomeranians and Chihuahuas. After high school, I attended art school. Instead of going into the film industry I decided to take time off. I became a dog walker in my town of Hoboken. While dog walking I would take photos of my clients. A local blogger, Jennifer Tripucka, who owns the blog Hoboken Girl noticed my photos. She asked me to become a contributor. I started taking my photography seriously. Four years later I founded my dog social media project Puparazzi. 

Why do you love shooting dogs:

I love photographing dogs because of their uniqueness. Every dog is extremely different; even within breeds. They have their own personalities and eccentricities. Also, the possibilities are endless when it comes to dog photography. I’ve done dog bridal shoots, dogs in flower costumes, and just about every kind of wardrobe idea you can dream up. The sky is the limit. 

3 tips for taking photos of your dog:

  1. Get down to their level

  2. Shoot during golden hour (an hour after sunrise and hour before sunset)

  3. Consider their true personality + embrace it

Who are photographers that inspire you and why?

I suppose it’s not particularly any photographers that inspire me but artists in general. If I had to pick two it would be Walt Disney + Kanye West. I grew up with Disney movies. I have always been obsessed. The colorful character designs + worlds blew me away as a kid. Nothing is normal, dull or straightforward. Everything is very surreal, emotional + grand. That’s something I strive to incorporate into my art. 

Kanye inspires me because he always reinvents himself. He also always drowns out criticism well. It’s difficult to do something new as an artist when the world always wants more of the same. Getting your audience to buy into a new idea or product is one of the most challenging things to do as an artist or entrepreneur. 

What you shoot on? 

I shoot on a Sony a7r3. Previously a Canon shooter. I love both. Sony has been more flexible for me. I love all of the customizations. 

What is next for your company?

The next step is to monetize. These last two years have been about outreach + networking. I haven’t made much money so far but that’s ok because that’s not what its all about right now. The endgame is to build a global brand. I am going to be the Walt Disney of the dog world. Sounds ambitious but I am a big believer in speaking things into existence. 

Make sure follow along with @puparazznyc to keep updated on that Puparazz events and if you need photos taken, this is your guy!

If you live in New York City, make sure to hit up one of Puparazzi’s breed parties on tour around the city with all our favorite dogs! See the full list below! 

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