5 Ways to Celebrate the New Year Safely with Your Dog

When it comes to celebrating the beginning of the new year, most people gather together with friends and family that they love. You’ll see large groups of people getting together in their Austin real estate developments to eat, drink, and party. It doesn’t really matter where the party is, but it does matter who you spend the evening with. And, as all of you know, our furry friends at home are most certainly a part of the family, so they, along with everyone else, should be able to celebrate the new year with you.

Of course, most of the food and drinks that are found at these New Year’s parties aren’t pet friendly, and they could make your dog seriously ill if he or she got into them. At the same time, you want your dog to be able to enjoy the party just like everyone else. This includes all of the activities and food and drinks that go along with a great New Year’s celebration.

Given all that, one concern that may present itself when creating a pet-friendly New Year's event is safety. Below are some great ways to celebrate the new year safely with your dog.

1) Keep an Eye on the Alcohol

Alcohol is a standard part of celebrating New Year's. However, even the most responsible drinker is still incapable of making smart decisions while under the influence of alcohol.

It is crucial to prepare the location of your alcohol before guests get there. This way, your pet can't reach any of the drinks, and your guests still have easy access to it. Also, you won’t be trying to keep alcohol away from your dog while under the influence.

2) Watch for Fireworks

Another common way to celebrate the New Year is with the use of fireworks. As most of you know, when living beings and explosions come in contact with each other, bad things happen. If you are going to light off fireworks, keep your furry friend inside, and make sure to comfort your dog during all the noise. Loud sounds are infamous for frightening dogs.

3) Make Snacks for the Dogs

Everybody makes snacks for their guests, and in the process, this makes your dog want to participate in the fun, and if you don't make snacks that are safe for them to eat, they don't feel included. Apples, blueberries, and carrots are healthy for dogs and humans alike, so don’t skimp out on the produce the next time you go to the store!

4) Create Activities for Guests and Dogs

Getting your friends and family to play games with your dog is fun for everyone. Your guests will love it because watching the dog play is fun and cute, and dogs will love it because they get to participate in the party. Fetch is a perennial classic!

5) Be Safe Generally

To wrap things up, safety is a huge priority when you are trying to have a furry New Year with your pet. Even the little things, like making sure your chip bowls aren’t in places that your dog can reach, can make or break an event like this.

The health and safety of you and your pet are the number one concern here, but this doesn’t mean all fun gets thrown out of the window. You and your pet should have the most fun at the party, and all of your guests will think it is adorable that your pet is getting to participate, as well.

When setting up these foods, activities, and games for both you and your dog to participate in, the number one thing to focus on is safety, but a close second is fun. You want to have a party that will knock the paws off of your dog, but still have him be safe.